Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Self Evaluation of my academic year (2009)
So, if we consider that this is my last year in the university and that next year I only must go to class for the thesis, is relevant that I make an evaluation of this academic year because this is the last in formation and I stay more close of the work world.
I understand that third year was the most important for my formation, because I think that that year I learned more, and most important things. But, I think that this year, I Have acquired the critical knowledge, and this is very important in a career as Anthropology.
When I came at the University, I thought that 5 years were very long time, and that this time would be very slow. But I was wrong. In this year I think that the career is a short and fast time , and for this, you must take it with responsibility, because when you finish, the most important thing is that you are able to do your work in correct form, and do it understanding the importance of your labor.
In this sense, a most important thing that I did this year was go to field work. I think that is in this opportunity when you can evaluate how you do the work, and how able to do it well you are. In this moment, you could evaluate how you was learn in theory, and methodological terms, and furthermore, how you agree with you real job and, in my case, with your vocation.
I think that University doesn’t prepare for do a good work as archaeologist. The career, the teachers and mentors delivered the tools for you take your own decisions, and it depends to your interest, commitment social and the importance that you think the importance that you consider having your work in your life, and the implications this may have on society.
How this years is which you study this topics, and think that is a more relevant and more reflexive, I think that is one of more important in the career. In my case, I think that this years have been very useful. Despite this, I’m not yet ready for the work, but I ‘m ready for do my best attempts.
POST 8: The World of Films
I don’t like rent films, because I think that see movies in your house is very bored. And I don’t have time. When I’m sad, I see films. Generally, I prefer historic films, and sometimes, lovely films, but this last when I want to spend a light and pleasant time. I like too lovely and funny films, how “50 first dates”, with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. This movie I have seen 4 times, and always is fun and good.
The last film that I saw in the cinema was Harry Potter 6. I don’t like so much this movies, but I read the books, and I went to see the staging of the book. Other films that I see for these reasons are “The Lord of the Rings”. These are better than Harry Potter.
Some of my favorites films are “Finding Nemo” and “Ice Age 1”. These are for child, but are very funny and tender films. In the first, my favorite character is Dori, the fish that forget all! And in the second, I love to baby “Bodoque”, and Many, the mommouth. I recommend this film overall for kids, but always is fun for all!
Ice Age is a film about a group of hunters-gatherers of the ice age, 10.000 years ago, that lose a baby. The boy is found for three animals: a mammouth, a sloth and a smylodon. This particular group spends many obstacles, but while doing this, they meet and form a beautiful friendship. Finally, they found baby’s parents and must be separated from he. Is so sad!
The Pilates is a system of physical and mental training. This method was created for Joseph Pilates, who sought a mix of relaxation, concentration, balance, flexibility and toning. The method focuses on developing core muscles for balance and stabilizes body and firmness to the spine. Is very important the concentration for achieve the stability. This exercise is very used in the world, overall because everybody could practice, because is particularly good for people who need some type of rehabilitation physical or mental.
I love Pilates because I may have a time for relaxation, and at the same time toning my body. Furthermore, I’m particularly bad for the sports, and this exercise fits perfectly with my tastes and needs.
I practice Pilates two years ago, and I love other exercises too, how dance for example. See football is very funny for me, and I like too… but, I’m a fan of Pilates. I want to practice it all my life, because help it your body, your mind and your health.
I think that practice any sport is needs for your health. No just for your body appearance, but for health, your capacities, the control of your own body… And now, with unhealthy of meals, exercise care is needed.
Friday, October 16, 2009
A Man Sculpture in Çatalhöyük

In the last excavations, the archaeologists founded a man sculpture carved, which to added the animals sculptures.
In this figurine, you can see a man with a bushy beard and big nose. In the site, they are many feminine sculpture, which have been used for speculate the believe in the “mother goddesses”.
The figurines, either of animals, men, or females are very interesting, overall if we talk about the first domesticating people, because this talk us about of the relationship between human and their environment, and about how they understood the separation, or symbiosis, between culture (the humanity), and nature (animals and plants).
In despite than some figurines shows violence and death indicators, other figurines, specially the females, appear to be used for cult to fertility, as have been postulated for the Upper Paleolithic, and Lower Neolithic. This case, could been see in other places and sites of Europe, as Willendorf, Lespugue, Brassempouy, and other.
Less cases of man sculpture are known, and for that, this finding is important, although the archaeologist should research the social implications of these plastics representations.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Visiting Santiago

Despite the previous, I want to live in the north of Chile, especially because is very beautiful and the weather is very good for my, and more funny. I hate the rain.
Santiago is not too bad. I think that is not an ugly city, I think that Santiago is nice place, but, maybe not for live all your life.
The most beautiful and interesting places to go in Santiago, is the center of city. This place is very fast, and is dangerous, but you can see the main activities of market, much diversity of people, many popular activities, and beautiful architecture, modern, and old. And I think that this mixture is amazing.
One of the things you should do, if you are a tourist in Santiago, is eat “Chorrillana”. In the Bellavista neighborhood you can find many places to eat this food, and drink a beer. This place is popular with Young people and tourist too. Near, in the same neighborhood is “La Chascona”, a very famous places, because was the house of Neruda, the writer.
If you are interesting in the history of the country, you must visit the National History Museum. This is near to Plaza de Armas, and is the correct places to see old customs and influential people history.
A typical places of the popular culture is the Market Central. Here there are many sellers oh many kind things, and typical food too, and delicious. Near, is “La Piojera”, a famous popular bar, where you could drink “terremoto”, a famous drink of the Chilean people.
Is here too the Estacion Mapocho. This place is a old building that was used for railways station and now is heritage place. It is for cultural diffusion, and there are many exhibitions of diverse cultural expressions.
Friday, September 25, 2009
About music
However, the music is very important for me. Often I listen music in my daily routine, when I take a shower, When I dress, when I drive my car or walk to the bus stop. I like listen romantic songs too and sing it to my boyfriend. My problem is that I love sing my favorits songs, but I sing very bad! Is a shame… Nor I’ve never plays any instruments.
Other important things is that I love dance. I could dance every night pop music, reggaeton, salsa, and others, but I love folklor music.
I love folklor dances, especially Tirana dances and cueca. My boyfriend and I dance cueca together, but we have Little time for this. We usually dance cueca in the Independence day of Chile, but I wish learn to dance it more and best. In my scholar years, I danced in a folklor group, and I loved it, but when I started the university, my time was decreased, and I can’t keep on dancing.
I wish and I supposed to dance next year, because I will be finishing my career, and I hope have more time for my favorite activities.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
POST 3: From a "transantiaguina"
In the beginning, the change of public transport was very difficult and uncomfortable for the most santiaguinos, principally because the new bus are slowest than the old bus. So, the transport needed more time and planning, not only for the slowness f movement of the bus, but too because now was needed load the card with wish to pay the ticket or pass, the BIP card.
At first moment, the public doesn’t knew how use the new system, in addition because the new bus has new tours too, and more short. This caused many rows, larges waits, places where there were no tours, and problem with the bus stops. This situation caused very disagreement in the public opinion in general.
For me, the new system didn’t affect my transport towards the places most frequently visited. But, I think that load the card is very overwhelming, because I often don’t remember which money I have, I need more time, and no always is there a center of load near of the house, university, job, or friend’s house.
Now, Transantiago has been improved in tours, control of pays, use of card BIP, and bus stops. I think that this system is better than the old, but, sometimes I miss the particular bus with lights of colours, funny music and many stickers in the windows…
Friday, August 21, 2009

I study archaeology, and I know a lot about the past of Peru, and I think that it is very interesting. In addition, Peru is very famous for its food, and its popular celebrations. If I went to Peru, I would go on an archaeological tour, to visit many important places relations to the past of America. These places are, for example, Caral, Chavin, Ica Valley, Macchu Picchu, the coast in general, Moquegua, and others. I would like to visit the museums too, and if I could go to the Ecuadorian coast, and the Bolivian jungle. It is very hard for me to speak other languages, and in Peru I can speak Spanish and don’t have any problem.
I hope to meet many people too, especially native groups, who can tell me about their past, and their own vision about the archaeological work.
I would like to go with friends of the university, because they have interests in common with me, and they could understand my motivations and don’t get bored with these activities.
I also hope to meet the popular customs, their dances, their food, their natives languages, their tastes, their celebrations and rituals, and many other things, because I love the present Andean world so much, and their past too.
Friday, August 14, 2009
The more interesting class for me was Andean American Prehistory, because the teacher is very good too. Although I had many class, I could learn very interesting things about Andean prehistory, theory, and lithics artifact specially.
The saddest thing was that one of my dogs died, but now my other two dogs are more peaceful, and I have more time for us.
The last semester was the one that I don’t work. This was a very important decision, because is complex for me study without work, but with need of my dad, was more easy and happy for me and my studies, in addition I could see more to my friends and my boyfriend, although he is working now.
I celebrated my birthday and I did a party in my house. They where many friends and it was very fun.