Friday, August 21, 2009


I study archaeology, and I know a lot about the past of Peru, and I think that it is very interesting. In addition, Peru is very famous for its food, and its popular celebrations. If I went to Peru, I would go on an archaeological tour, to visit many important places relations to the past of America. These places are, for example, Caral, Chavin, Ica Valley, Macchu Picchu, the coast in general, Moquegua, and others. I would like to visit the museums too, and if I could go to the Ecuadorian coast, and the Bolivian jungle. It is very hard for me to speak other languages, and in Peru I can speak Spanish and don’t have any problem.

I hope to meet many people too, especially native groups, who can tell me about their past, and their own vision about the archaeological work.

I would like to go with friends of the university, because they have interests in common with me, and they could understand my motivations and don’t get bored with these activities.

I also hope to meet the popular customs, their dances, their food, their natives languages, their tastes, their celebrations and rituals, and many other things, because I love the present Andean world so much, and their past too.

Friday, August 14, 2009


In general, my first term of 2009 was very calm, but I was down with swine flu. This is not so terrible, but I was in my bed during one week. In this time I sleep a lot, read many books and I was well cared for my family. I retarded my end term, but I approved my 9 class.
The more interesting class for me was Andean American Prehistory, because the teacher is very good too. Although I had many class, I could learn very interesting things about Andean prehistory, theory, and lithics artifact specially.
The saddest thing was that one of my dogs died, but now my other two dogs are more peaceful, and I have more time for us.
The last semester was the one that I don’t work. This was a very important decision, because is complex for me study without work, but with need of my dad, was more easy and happy for me and my studies, in addition I could see more to my friends and my boyfriend, although he is working now.
I celebrated my birthday and I did a party in my house. They where many friends and it was very fun.