Çatalhöyük is a very important site of Turkey, not only because was the home of the first farmers of Europe, but because it is work with a very special methodology.
In the last excavations, the archaeologists founded a man sculpture carved, which to added the animals sculptures.
In this figurine, you can see a man with a bushy beard and big nose. In the site, they are many feminine sculpture, which have been used for speculate the believe in the “mother goddesses”.
The figurines, either of animals, men, or females are very interesting, overall if we talk about the first domesticating people, because this talk us about of the relationship between human and their environment, and about how they understood the separation, or symbiosis, between culture (the humanity), and nature (animals and plants).
In despite than some figurines shows violence and death indicators, other figurines, specially the females, appear to be used for cult to fertility, as have been postulated for the Upper Paleolithic, and Lower Neolithic. This case, could been see in other places and sites of Europe, as Willendorf, Lespugue, Brassempouy, and other.
Less cases of man sculpture are known, and for that, this finding is important, although the archaeologist should research the social implications of these plastics representations.
In the last excavations, the archaeologists founded a man sculpture carved, which to added the animals sculptures.
In this figurine, you can see a man with a bushy beard and big nose. In the site, they are many feminine sculpture, which have been used for speculate the believe in the “mother goddesses”.
The figurines, either of animals, men, or females are very interesting, overall if we talk about the first domesticating people, because this talk us about of the relationship between human and their environment, and about how they understood the separation, or symbiosis, between culture (the humanity), and nature (animals and plants).
In despite than some figurines shows violence and death indicators, other figurines, specially the females, appear to be used for cult to fertility, as have been postulated for the Upper Paleolithic, and Lower Neolithic. This case, could been see in other places and sites of Europe, as Willendorf, Lespugue, Brassempouy, and other.
Less cases of man sculpture are known, and for that, this finding is important, although the archaeologist should research the social implications of these plastics representations.
See the new in http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/blog/2009/sep/10/stone-figurine-man-catalhoyuk