Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The other blog
Enjoy it too!!
Assignement 5

One of the problems on the archaeology that is very interested for me, its about settlement of
The main question in this are: When did humans colonize the
This trouble is too based on genetic studies, record archaeologic, and linguistic studies, but the data that this studies give are discordant.
The traditional vision indicate that a migration from Beringia to the Americas happened circa 12.000 years ago, but sseveral sites, main in South America, are more early that this data.
The problem isn't solved, and for that reason it is a challenge for the new archaeologists.
The links are about two sites that are more early of 12.000 years ago, both of South America
Other website explains the paradigm Clovis First, that represent the traditional vision, wich now is doubful.
Enjoy it!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Assignment 4
Now, i will comment three web site about Archaeology:
this web site is about de Museo de Arte Precolombino, wich have arts pieces of precolombine cultures. Therefore in this site there is much bibliografic information, besides wallpapers and photographies of American archaeological material. exists a space where a catalogue of the library appears, which often allows to find useful texts us for the university courses. To the being a page for publish generally and not specialized, gives a clear and simple vision of more complex subjects, so that it serves much like introductory to certain American archaeological subjects.
This web site is the "virtual city of Anthropology and Archaeology", a news portal, where they communicate about events congresses and meetings of the archaeological and anthropological environment. In addition, there are pretty photos of material culture of human groups of the past and very interesting papers.
this web page was created by the professor of the anthropology department, Luis Cornejo. In it, the professor to make very useful bibliographical material available electronic for the works, and also a entertained blog, in wich there are photos of our professors in work of field. I hope to be there in the future!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Assignment 3
In this opportunitiy i wont to tell them about my weekends. The true of my last weekends is that they have been mainly of studies, then boring.
So, I am going to tell them about other weekend.
two weeks ago I went to the house of my favorite premium. She she had been mother 3 days ago. Then, I went to meet new small cousin. She is beautiful and is called Antonia, a very beautiful name, in fact, I always thought that I would have children, I call him with this name. But, now, I think that nis name is repeated, in the same family.
My cousin was very happy, with her daughter and because I went to see her. I was very happy too.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Assignment 1
I was born in Talca, but i live in Santiago since 1989 .
I live in the little house, with my mom, my sister Vero, and my brother Nicolas, but my time is almost all with my boyfriend Jorge. We stay together by 2 years.
We have a 3 pitbulls. Their names are Gitano, Milenka and Nemesis.
Many of my friends have too pitbulls. With they go to hill, to the beach, and to other funny places.
My friends at the university are very interesting. They are nice, and I am very happy with them, because they are a very intelligent and amusing group of people. They calls me Cami Rose, because this colour is my favorite,
I like very much tha Archaeology, is so exciting and amazing. This career it allows me to dream and it motivates to me.
Using this blog iI want to learn to write in English, and review the blogs and assignment of my friends....
Assignment 2
This song calls Like a virgin, from Madonna.
I like this song because is very funny, and its melody is dance, and i love dance. The video is original too.
Also, this song appear in the movie Moulin Rouge, and this movie is one of my favorits. Is a very romantic movie, and is interesting too because shows Paris in the past.
Madonna is a very good singer. She likes me because is pretty, nice and she dance perfect. Also, she likes me because is a queen of pop, she has a great trajectory.
This song is my ringtone on my mophile phone!!
I made it through the wilderness
somehow i made it through
didn’t know how lost i was
until i found you
i was beat
i’d been had,
i was sad and blue
but you made me feel
yeah, you made me feel
shiny and new
like a virgin
touched for the very first time
like a virgin
when your heart beats
next to mine
gonna give you all my love, boy
my fear is fading fast
been saving it all for you cause only love can last
you’re so fine a
nd you’re mine
make me strong,
yeah you make me bold
oh your love thawed out
yeah, your love thawed out
what was scared and cold
Like a virgin,
touched for the very first time
like a virgin
when your heart beats
next to mine
you're so fine and you’re mine
i’ll be your still the end of time
cause you made me feel
yeah you made me feel
i’ve nothing to hide
like a virgin, ooh, ooh
like a virgin
feels so good inside
when you hold me,
and your heart beats,
and you love meoh,
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohooh, baby
can’t you hear my heart beat
for the very first time?
*[ ^^ ]*